La mesure du CO2 expiré
La mesure du CO2 expiré, élément incontournable de la sécurité en anesthésie, est également recommandé pour le monitorage pré-hospitalier du traumatisé (Consensus SFMU). Parmi les dispositifs utilsables, il faut citer le capnomètre EMMA de la société PHASEIN.
Très simple d'emploi, il apparaît très adapté à nos conditions d'exercice (Voir ici).
Il sera bientôt en doatation, en attendant vous pouvez utiliser un détecteur chimique.
Intubation préhospitalière: Comment ?
On peut intuber en pré-hospitalier sans anesthésie (sous AL de glotte) mais c'est mieux avec des agents de sédation et encore mieux avec un protocole d'intubation en séquence rapide. L'intubation nasotrachéale: C'est moins bien, voire sujet à caution.
Prehosp Emerg Care. 2010 Jul-Sep;14(3):377-401.
A meta-analysis of prehospital airway control techniques part I: orotracheal and nasotracheal intubation success rates.
Hubble MW, Brown L, Wilfong DA, Hertelendy A, Benner RW, Richards ME.
Emergency Medical Care Program, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, North Carolina 28723, USA. mhubble@email.wcu.edu
BACKGROUND: Airway management is a key component of prehospital care for seriously ill and injured patients. Although endotracheal intubation has been a commonly performed prehospital procedure for nearly three decades, the safety and efficacy profile of prehospital intubation has been challenged in the last decade. Reported intubation success rates vary widely, and established benchmarks are lacking.
OBJECTIVE: We sought to determine pooled estimates for oral endotracheal intubation (OETI) and nasotracheal intubation (NTI) placement success rates through a meta-analysis of the literature.
METHODS: We performed a systematic literature search for all English-language articles reporting placement success rates for prehospital intubation. Studies of field procedures performed by prehospital personnel from any nation were included. All titles were reviewed independently by two authors using prespecified inclusion criteria. Pooled estimates of success rates for each airway technique, including drug-facilitated intubation (DFI) and rapid-sequence intubation (RSI), were calculated using a random-effects model. Historical trends were evaluated using meta-regression.
RESULTS: Of 2,005 identified titles reviewed, 117 studies addressed OETI and 23 addressed NTI, encompassing a total of 57,132 prehospital patients. There was substantial interrater reliability in the review process (kappa = 0.81). The pooled estimates (and 95% confidence intervals [CIs]) for intervention success for nonphysician clinicians were as follows: overall non-RSI/non-DFI OETI success rate: 86.3% (82.6%-89.4%); OETI for non-cardiac arrest patients: 69.8% (50.9%-83.8%); DFI 86.8% (80.2%-91.4%); and RSI 96.7% (94.7%-98.0%). For pediatric patients, the paramedic OETI success rate was 83.2% (55.2%-95.2%). The overall NTI success rate for nonphysician clinicians was 75.9% (65.9%-83.7%). The historical trend of OETI reflects a 0.49% decline in success rates per year.
CONCLUSIONS: We provide pooled estimates of placement success rates for prehospital airway interventions. For some patient and clinician characteristics, OETI has relatively low success rates. For nonarrest patients, DFI and RSI appear to increase success rates. Across all clinicians, NTI has a low rate of success, raising questions about the safety and efficacy of this procedure.
| Tags : airway
EVASAN Hélico: Intubation=Perte de temps ?
Intuber en préhospitalier fait perdre en moyennne 8 minutes sur les délais d'évacuation. C'est du moins ce qui est présenté dans cet article. Il s'agit donc d'une prise de risque majeure pour les équipages et pas forcément ungain de chance pour le blessé compte tenu de la brièveté actuelle des durées de vol en afghanistan.
| Tags : airway, intubation