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Trauma Prehospitalier: Aides


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| Tags : traumatologie


RFE Rempliisage vasculaire


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| Tags : remplissage


Recommandations voyageurs 2024


Reco Voyageurs.jpg

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The pre-hospital management of life-threatening chest injuries: A consensus statement from the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care

PreH Chest injuries Consensus Royal CollegeSurgeons.jpeg

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| Tags : thorax


Anesthésie PréHosp: Recos scandinave


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| Tags : airway


Saignements majeurs: 5ème révision EU


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Management of tracheal intubation in critically ill adults


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| Tags : airway


Reco Simulation

Reco Simulation.jpg

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Aggressions collectives par arme de guerre

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March: Aussi chez les chinois

Expert consensus on the evaluation and diagnosis of combat injuries of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army

Zong W et Al Mil Med Res. 2018 Feb 13;5(1):6

 The accurate assessment and diagnosis of combat injuries are the basis for triage and treatment of combat casualties. A consensus on the assessment and diagnosis of combat injuries was made and discussed at the second annual meeting of the Professional Committee on Disaster Medicine of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA). In this consensus agreement, the massive hemorrhage, airway, respiration, circulation and hypothermia (MARCH) algorithm, which is a simple triage and rapid treatment and field triage score, was recommended to assess combat casualties during the first-aid stage, whereas the abbreviated scoring method for combat casualty and the MARCH algorithm were recommended to assess combat casualties in level II facilities. In level III facilities, combined measures, including a history inquiry, thorough physical examination, laboratory examination, X-ray, and ultrasound examination, were recommended for the diagnosis of combat casualties. In addition, corresponding methods were recommended for the recognition of casualties needing massive transfusions, assessment of firearm wounds, evaluation of mangled extremities, and assessment of injury severity in this consensus.


RFE 2017 In/Extubation en anesthésie

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Intubation/Extubation en REA

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SFMU: Reco Anaphylaxie

Fig. 1 Algorithme de prise en charge d'une anaphylaxie en SU  

Accéder au texte de la recommendation


European guideline on management of major bleeding / Trauma

The European guideline on management of major bleeding and coagulopathy following trauma: fourth edition

Rossaint et al. Critical Care (2016) 20:100 

 Background: Severe trauma continues to represent a global public health issue and mortality and morbidity in trauma patients remains substantial. A number of initiatives have aimed to provide guidance on the management of trauma patients. This document focuses on the management of major bleeding and coagulopathy following trauma and encourages adaptation of the guiding principles to each local situation and implementation within each institution.

Methods: The pan-European, multidisciplinary Task Force for Advanced Bleeding Care in Trauma was founded in 2004 and included representatives of six relevant European professional societies. The group used a structured, evidence-based consensus approach to address scientific queries that served as the basis for each recommendation and supporting rationale. Expert opinion and current clinical practice were also considered, particularly in areas in which randomised clinical trials have not or cannot be performed. Existing recommendations were reconsidered and revised based on new scientific evidence and observed shifts in clinical practice; new recommendations were formulated to reflect current clinical concerns and areas in which new research data have been generated. This guideline represents the fourth edition of a document first published in 2007 and updated in 2010 and 2013.

Results: The guideline now recommends that patients be transferred directly to an appropriate trauma treatment centre and encourages use of a restricted volume replacement strategy during initial resuscitation. Best-practice use of blood products during further resuscitation continues to evolve and should be guided by a goal-directed strategy. The identification and management of patients pre-treated with anticoagulant agents continues to pose a real challenge, despite accumulating experience and awareness. The present guideline should be viewed as an educational aid to improve and standardise the care of the bleeding trauma patients across Europe and beyond. This document may also serve as a basis for local implementation. Furthermore, local quality and safety management systems need to be established to specifically assess key measures of bleeding control and outcome.

Conclusions: A multidisciplinary approach and adherence to evidence-based guidance are key to improving patient outcomes. The implementation of locally


ERC 2015 Guidelines


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Intubation difficile: La vision canadienne actualisée

Prise en charge des voies aériennes – 1re partie – Recommandations lorsque des difficultés sont constatées chez le patient inconscient/anesthésie

Can J Anesth/J Can Anesth (2013) 60:1089–1118

Un document à lire dans le détail car insistant beaucoup sur la notion de facteur humain et se positionnant volontairement en retrait sur les aspects matériels mis en avant ces dernières années;

IntubDiffCANADA Algo 1.JPG

Prise en charge des voies aériennes – 2e partie – Recommandations lorsque des difficultés sont prévues

Can J Anesth/J Can Anesth (2013) 60:1119–1138


IntubDiffCANADA Algo 2.JPG

| Tags : intubation, airway

Reco US Intubation difficile

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| Tags : intubation, airway


Guidelines for field management of combat related head trauma



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RFE Choc hémorragique

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| Tags : choc, hémorragie

RFE Traumatismes thoraciques

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| Tags : thorax