Coagulopathie: Du fibrinogène avant tout
Trauma-induced coagulopathy: impact of the early coagulation support protocol on blood product consumption, mortality and costs
Nardi G et al. Critical Care (2015) 19:83
Le damage control resuscitation fait largement appel à l'apport de plasma, concentrés de globules rouges et de plaquettes dans un rapport de 1/1/1 (1). Malgré la relative correction de la coagulopathie la survie à long terme ne semble pas être améliorée (2). Aussi certains proposent d'avoir plutôt recours à l'administration précoce de fibrinogène plutôt que l'administration de plasma. Le travail suivant qui propose l'apport précoce de 2g de fibrinogène est en faveur d'une telle démarche.
Hemorrhage is the principal cause of death in the first few hours following severe injury. Coagulopathy is a frequent complication of critical bleeding. A network of Italian trauma centers recently developed a protocol to prevent and treat trauma-induced coagulopathy. A pre-post cohort multicenter study was conducted to assess the impact of the early coagulation support (ECS) protocol on blood products consumption,mortality and treatment costs.
We prospectively collected data from all severely injured patients (Injury Severity Score (ISS) >15) admitted to two trauma centers in 2013 and compared these findings with the data for 2011. Patients transfused with at least 3 units of packed red blood cells (PRBCs) within 24 hours of an accident were included in the study. In 2011, patients with significant hemorrhaging were treated with early administration of plasma with the aim of achieving a high (≥1:2) plasma-to-PRBC ratio. In 2013, the ECS protocol was the treatment strategy. Outcome data, blood product consumption and treatment costs were compared between the two periods.
The two groups were well matched for demographics, injury severity (ISS: 32.9 in 2011 versus 33.6 in 2013) and clinical and laboratory data on admission. In 2013, a 40% overall reduction in PRBCs was observed, together with a 65% reduction in plasma and a 52% reduction in platelets. Patients in the ECS group received fewer blood products: 6.51 units of PRBCs versus 8.14 units. Plasma transfusions decreased from 8.98 units to 4.21 units (P <0.05), and platelets fell from 4.14 units to 2.53 units (P <0.05). Mortality in 2013 was 13.5% versus 20% in 2011 (13 versus 26 hospital deaths, respectively) (nonsignificant). When costs for blood components, factors and point-of-care tests were compared, a €76,340 saving in 2013 versus 2011 (23%) was recorded.
The introduction of the ECS protocol in two Italian trauma centers was associated with a marked reduction in blood product consumption, reaching statistical significance for plasma and platelets, and with a non-significant trend toward a reduction in early and 28-daymortality. The overall costs for transfusion and coagulation support (including point-of-care tests) decreased by 23% between 2011 and 2013.
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