Médecine tactique CITERA 69 - Baron Desgenettes

Tag > coagulopathie


HEXACYL: Oui , mais attention à la MTE


Tranexamic acid administration is associated with an increased risk of posttraumatic venous thromboembolism. Myers SP et Al. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2019 Jan;86(1):20-27.   BACKGROUND: Tranexamic acid (TXA) is used as a hemostatic adjunct for hemorrhage control in the injured patient and reduces early preventable death. However, the risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) has been incompletely explored . Previous studies investigating the effect of TXA on VTE vary in their findings. We performed a propensity matched analysis to investigate the association...

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Plasma et MEDEVAC, Obligation ? OUI

Prehospital  p lasma  during a ir  m edical  t ransport  in t rauma  p atients  at r isk  for  h emorrhagic s hock . Sperry JL et Al.  N Engl J Med. 2018 Jul 26;379(4):315-326 ---------------------------- Confirmation par l'étude PAMPER de tout l' intérêt de l'apport préhospitalier précoce d'au moins deux unités de plasma . Cette étude porte sur plus de 500...

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Le glycoalyx: Une cible thérapeutique

Novel Adjunct Drugs Reverse Endothelial Glycocalyx Damage After Hemorrhagic Shock in Rats.   Torres Filho IP  et Al.  Shock.  2017 Nov;48(5):583-589  ...

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Fibrinogène ET Plasma


Fractions coagulantes: Mieux que PFC ?

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