Un nouveau concept de triage ?
Medical evacuation and triage of combat casualties in Helmand Province, Afghanistan: October 2010-April 2011
Clarke JE et Al. Mil Med. 2012 Nov;177(11):1261-6
Un article de synthèse sur l'organisation de la chaîne de prise en charge des blessés par nos confrères anglais, avec notamment l'emploi d'une évolution majeure pour le un système anglo-saxon (lire ce document): le recours à des EVASAN médicalisées par des personnels ayant une pratique régulière de la prise en charge de patients en état critique. Cet article est intéressant car il insiste sur l'importance du triage et le rôe prééminent que peuvent jouer les role 2 notamment si les élongations sont importantes.
Medical evacuation of combat casualties in Operation Enduring Freedom-Afghanistan is achieved primarily by helicopter, because of distances involved as well as ground-based threats. In Helmand Province, evacuation from the point of injury may occur on a variety of helicopter evacuation platforms with disparate levels of attendant medical expertise. Furthermore, triage to a medical treatment facility may involve varying echelons of care before definitive management. Consequently, considerable differences in medical care may be encountered between point of injury and definitive treatment. We discuss the role of helicopter-based medical evacuation in Helmand, Afghanistan, as well as triage and timelines to the most appropriate medical facilities. Based on our experience and available evidence, we have made recommendations to regional commanders which favor the utilization of prehospital critical care teams aboard helicopter-based evacuation platforms and direct triage to the highest echelon of care available when feasible
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