Médecine tactique CITERA 69 - Baron Desgenettes

Tag > triage


Triage en cas d'attaque terroriste: Des limites

Triage in Complex, Coordinated Terrorist Attacks Pepper M et Al. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2019 Aug;34(4):442-448.  Introduction: Terror attacks have increased in frequency, and tactics utilized have evolved. This creates significant challenges for first responders providing life-saving medical care in their immediate aftermath. The use of coordinated and multi-site attack modalities exacerbates these challenges. The use of triage is not well-validated in mass-casualty settings, and in the setting of intentional mass violence, new and innovative approaches are needed....

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Interventions salvatrices: Bien sûr mais lesquelles ?

Major incident triage: A consensus based definition of the essential life-saving interventions during the definitive care phase of a major incident Vassallo J. et Al. Injury, Int. J. Care Injured 47 (2016) 1898–190 ------------------------- Plus le contexte d'intervention est difficile soit du fait de l'environnement soit du fait du danger tactique et plus le choix des...

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Un nouveau concept de triage ?

Medical evacuation and triage of combat casualties in Helmand Province, Afghanistan: October 2010-April 2011 Clarke JE et Al.  Mil Med.  2012 Nov;177(11):1261-6...

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L'essence du triage


Effectuer un triage

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