Transfusion, Thrombosis and Bleeding Management
Special Issue: Transfusion, Thrombosis and Bleeding Management
January 2015 - Volume 70, Issue Supplement s1 - Pages 1–e41
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Blood – the most important humour? (pages 1–e1)
C. R. Bailey, A. A. Klein and B. J. Hunt
Version of Record online: 1 DEC 2014 | DOI: 10.1111/anae.12930
Review Articles
L. Green, S. Allard and R. Cardigan
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Corrigendum: Modern banking, collection, compatibility testing and storage of blood and blood components
Vol. 70, Issue 3, 373, Version of Record online: 11 FEB 2015
Evidence and triggers for the transfusion of blood and blood products (pages 10–e3)
A. Shah, S. J. Stanworth and S. McKechnie
Pre-operative anaemia (pages 20–e8)
B. Clevenger and T. Richards
The pathophysiology and consequences of red blood cell storage (pages 29–e12)
D. Orlov and K. Karkouti
Red cell transfusion and the immune system (pages 38–e16)
S. Hart, C. M. Cserti-Gazdewich and S. A. McCluskey
The current place of aprotinin in the management of bleeding (pages 46–e17)
D. Royston
The current place of tranexamic acid in the management of bleeding (pages 50–e18)
B. J. Hunt
Practical management of major blood loss (pages 54–e20)
R. Gill
Management of peri-operative anti-thrombotic therapy (pages 58–e23)
J. J. van Veen and M. Makris
Laboratory monitoring of haemostasis (pages 68–e24)
A. Fowler and D. J. Perry
Point-of-care monitoring of haemostasis (pages 73–e26)
S. V. Mallett and M. Armstrong
Haemostatic management of obstetric haemorrhage (pages 78–e28)
R. E. Collis and P. W. Collins
Haemostatic management of cardiac surgical haemorrhage (pages 87–e31)
M. W. Besser, E. Ortmann and A. A. Klein
The pathogenesis of traumatic coagulopathy (pages 96–e34)
A. Cap and B. J. Hunt
Management of traumatic haemorrhage – the European perspective (pages 102–e37)
H. Schöchl, W. Voelckel and C. J. Schlimp
Management of traumatic haemorrhage – the US perspective (pages 108–e38)
R. P. Dutton
Surgery in patients with inherited bleeding disorders (pages 112–e40)
P. K. Mensah and R. Gooding
The management of abnormal haemostasis in the ICU (pages 121–e41)
A. Retter and N. A. Barrett
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