Exsufflation: Cela se complique !
Complications of needle thoracostomy: A comprehensive clinical review
Wernjck B et Al. Int J Crit Illn Inj Sci. 2015 Jul-Sep; 5(3): 160–169
Comme toujours, après une phase d'engouement vient le temps de la réflexion. L'exsufflation à l'aiguille n'est pas d'une indication si fréquente et en plus expose à certaines complications. A lire avant de se lancer dans l'utilisation d'aiguille de tout genre.
Needle thoracostomy (NT) is a valuable adjunct in the management of tension pneumothorax (tPTX), a life-threatening condition encountered mainly in trauma and critical care environments. Most commonly, needle thoracostomies are used in the prehospital setting and during acute trauma resuscitation to temporize the affected individuals prior to the placement of definitive tube thoracostomy (TT). Because it is both an invasive and emergent maneuver, NT can be associated with a number of potential complications, some of which may be life-threatening. Due to relatively common use of this procedure, it is important that healthcare providers are familiar, and ready to deal with, potential complications of NT.
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