Médecine tactique CITERA 69 - Baron Desgenettes

Archives > 2013-05


Mieux on est formé, plus on fait


Army flight medic performance of paramedic level procedures: Indicated vs performed Bier SA et all. -  J Emerg Med.  2013 May;44(5):962-9. Of 984 interventions found to be  indicated on the 406 charts that met inclusion criteria,  36% were rated as EMT-P level. Seventeen percent were  indicated but not performed. EMT-Bs failed to perform indicated  procedures 35% of the time vs. 3% in the EMT-P  group (p < 0.001). For paramedic-level procedures, EMTBs  failed to make 76% of appropriate interventions, compared  to <1% in the EMT-P group (p <...

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Vidéo laryngoscopie: Du bien, on n'est pas étonné

Anesth  Analg 2013;XX:XX–XX  BACKGROUND: The video laryngoscope (VL) has been shown to improve laryngoscopic views and first-attempt success rates in elective operating room and simulated tracheal intubations compared with the direct laryngoscope (DL). However, there are limited data on the effectiveness of the VL compared with the DL in urgent endotracheal intubations (UEIs) in...

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Plasma lyophilisé: Une réalité

Le Service de Santé des Armées a recours depuis de nombreuses années ( 1 , 2 ) à une présentation originale de plasma thérapeutique le PLYO . Initialement réservé à un emploi en opérations...

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BIG: Du nouveau et en MIEUX


Ballistic trauma. A practical guide

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