Médecine tactique CITERA 69 - Baron Desgenettes

Tag > kétamine


Kétamine: Stable longtemps quand il fait très chaud

Ketamine Stability over Six Months of Exposure to Moderate and High Temperature Environments Foertsch MJ et Al. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2021 Jun 21;1-6.   Background: All medications should be stored within temperature ranges defined by manufacturers, but logistical and operational challenges of prehospital and military settings complicate adherence to these recommendations. Lorazepam and succinylcholine experience clinically relevant heat-related degradation, whereas midazolam does not. Because ketamine's stability when stored outside manufacturer recommendations is...

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Efficacité et sécurité de la kétamine pour l'analgésie préhospitalière du blessé de guerre


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Kétamine préhospitalière: Reco US

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RSI: Que fait on ?


Kétamine: Recommendations de l'ACEP

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