Advancing Prehospital Combat Casualty Evacuation: Patients Amenable to Aeromedical Evacuation via Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Maddry JK et Al. Mil Med. 2021 Feb 26;186(3-4):e366-e372. Introduction: The U.S. military currently utilizes unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for reconnaissance and attack missions; however, as combat environment technology advances, there is the increasing likelihood of UAV utilization in prehospital aeromedical evacuation. Although some combat casualties require life-saving interventions (LSIs) during medical evacuation, many do not. Our...
Catégorie > ateliers-diu-traumatologie
Combat à haute intensité: Tout repenser !
Casualty care implications of large-scale combat operations Mason H. Remondelli MH et Al. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2023 Aug; 95(2 ): S180–S184. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cet article met en exergue la nécessité de repenser en profondeur l'organisation de la chaîne santé , la place prépondérante de la transfusion...
En Ukraine ?
Lessons learned from the war in Ukraine for the anesthesiologist and intensivist: A scoping review Jarrassier A. et Al Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med. 2024 Jul 30;43(5):101409....