Médecine tactique CITERA 69 - Baron Desgenettes

Catégorie > 35-strategie


Chirurgie à l'avant. L'histoire enseigne de petites structures proches des combats


Surgery on the battlefield: Mobile surgical units in the Second World War and the memoirs they produced Venables KM J Med Biogr.  2023 Aug; 31(3): 202–211.   In the Second World War, there was a flowering of the battlefield surgery pioneered in the Spanish Civil War. There were small, mobile surgical units in all the theatres of the War, working close behind the fighting and deployed flexibly according to the nature of the conflict . With equipment transported by truck, jeep or mule, they operated in tents, bunkers and requisitioned buildings and carried out abdominal,...

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Le drone: Incontournable !

------------------------------------ Un outil sans nul doute à maîtriser à la lumière des événements ukrainiens ------------------------------------ Introduction Response to medical incidents in mountainous areas is delayed due to the remote and challenging terrain. Drones could assist in a quicker search for patients and can facilitate earlier treatment through...

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Plaidoyer AUSSIE pour + de technicité à l'avant

Treatment at point of injury—A proposal for an enhanced combat first aider and health technician skillset Pilgrim C. et Al. JMVH 2022, oncline first    Management of trauma in...

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La chirurgie: Encore plus à l'avant


Risques biologiques émergents: Etre prêts ?

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