Médecine tactique CITERA 69 - Baron Desgenettes

Catégorie > 04-infos-de-theatre


Echographie ciblée: Quelles recommandations ?

International Evidence-Based Recommendations for Focused Cardiac Ultrasound Via G et Al.  J Am Soc Echocardiogr . 2014 Jul;27(7):683.e1-683.e33.   BACKGROUNDS: Focused cardiac ultrasound (FoCUS) is a simplified, clinician-performed application of echocardiography that is rapidly expanding in use, especially in emergency and critical care medicine. Performed by appropriately trained clinicians, typically not cardiologists, FoCUS ascertains the essential information needed in critical scenarios for time-sensitive clinical decision making. A need exists for quality...

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Trauma du larynx: Faites une échographie !

Novel role of focused airway ultrasound in early airway assessment of suspected laryngeal trauma Adi et al. Ultrasound J (2020) 12:37 Background   Upper airway injury secondary to blunt neck trauma can lead to upper airway obstruction and potentially cause a life-threatening condition. The most important aspect in the care of laryngeal trauma is to establish a...

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Echographie visuelle et etat de choc


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Echo: Intérêt pas évident pour tous ?


SOF Sono

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