Médecine tactique CITERA 69 - Baron Desgenettes

Catégorie > 03-forum-oxygenation


Histoire de FiO2

Maximizing Oxygen Delivery in Portable Ventilators. Blakeman T. et Al. Mil Med. 2022 Feb 4:usab561. doi: 10.1093/milmed/usab561 Background:  Military transport of critically ill/injured patients requires judicious use of resources. Maintaining oxygen (O2) supplies for mechanically ventilated is crucial. O2 cylinders are difficult to transport due to the size and weight and add the risk of fire in an aircraft. The proposed solution is the use of a portable oxygen concentrator (POC) to supply O2 for mechanical ventilation. As long as power is available, a POC can...

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Trop simplifier: Pas forcément bon, l'exemple de la ventilation

Comparison of Airway Control Methods and Ventilation Success With an Automatic Resuscitator Rodriguez D. et Al. J Spec Oper Med. 2012; 12(2):65-70.   Mechanical ventilation in an austere environment is difficult owing to logistics, training, and environmental conditions. We evaluated the ability of professional caregivers to provide ventilatory support to a simulated...

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O2 préhospitalier en circuit fermé: possible

Le recours à l'oxygène peut être compliqué notamment pour des raisons logistiques . Le recours à de l'oxygène chimique est possible mais limité. Si l'emploi de circuits fermés visant à récupérer...

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L'oxygène: Contrainte logistique à ne pas oublier pour demain


Oxygènothérapie vs en circuit fermé: Possible

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