Médecine tactique CITERA 69 - Baron Desgenettes

Archives > 2023-11


Conflit en Ukraine: Enseignements, vision UK

Transferable military medical lessons from the Russo-Ukraine war Hodgetts TJ, et al. BMJ Mil Health 2023;0:1–4   The first year of the war in Ukraine has presented critical lessons for the UK’s Defence Medical Services (DMS) regarding its preparedness to support the nation for warfighting at scale. There are tactical, clinical, and strategic challenges that must be addressed. The war has exposed the limitations of international humanitarian law and the laws of armed conflict in protecting forward field hospitals from deliberate targeting. The DMS may need to employ measures...

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Intubation des traumas sévères pénétrants

Prehospital and emergency department airway management of severe penetrating trauma in Sweden during the past decade Renberg M et Al. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2023 Nov 24;31(1):85   ------------------------------------ On sait cet exercice difficile même entre des mains expérimentées. Cet article le confirme. N'oublions pas; ce qui compte en premier c'est...

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Les anesthésistes: Pièce importante dans les guerres hybrides

A Gray Future: The Role of the Anesthesiologist in Hybrid Warfare Granholm F et Al. Anesthesiology. 2023 Nov 1;139(5):563-567. During the last few decades, the increasing use of...

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Haute intensité: Réflexions canadiennes


Compression aortique transgastrique ?

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