Médecine tactique CITERA 69 - Baron Desgenettes

Archives > 2018-12


HEXACYL: Oui , mais attention à la MTE


Tranexamic acid administration is associated with an increased risk of posttraumatic venous thromboembolism. Myers SP et Al. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2019 Jan;86(1):20-27.   BACKGROUND: Tranexamic acid (TXA) is used as a hemostatic adjunct for hemorrhage control in the injured patient and reduces early preventable death. However, the risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) has been incompletely explored . Previous studies investigating the effect of TXA on VTE vary in their findings. We performed a propensity matched analysis to investigate the association...

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Hydroxocobalamine: Pour la coagulopathie et la pression

Intravenous Hydroxocobalamin Versus Hextend Versus Control for Class III Hemorrhage Resuscitation in a Prehospital Swine Model Bebarta VS et Al. Mil Med. 2018 Nov 5;183(11-12):e721-e729.   Background: Hydroxyethyl starch (Hextend) has been used for hemorrhagic shock resuscitation, however, hydroxyethyl starch may be associated with adverse outcomes. Objective: To...

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Rétrospective sur les missions du SSA

A lire pour avoir une image actualisée du SSA. Certes peine à la peine mais, fidèle à ses traditions,  n'a manifestement pas chômé ses dernières années  Clic sur l'image pour accéder à...

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Tueries massives: Une distribution différente des blessures de guerre


Bilan US de 10 ans d'urgences en Irak/AFG

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