Archives > 2016-12
Coagulopathie traumatique. Données actuelles
Acute traumatic coagulopathy : pathophysiology and resuscitation. Simmons JW et Al. Br J Anaesth. 2016 Dec;117(suppl 3):iii31-iii43. Acute Traumatic Coagulopathy occurs immediately after massive trauma when shock, hypoperfusion, and vascular damage are present. Mechanisms for this acute coagulopathy include activation of protein C, endothelial glycocalyx...
Fibrinogène dès que l'Hb baisse ?
Estimation of plasma fibrinogen levels based on hemoglobin, base excess and Injury Severity Score upon emergency room admission Schlimp CJ et Al. Crit Care. 2013 Jul 12;17(4):R137. doi:...
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